Thursday, October 22, 2009

The H1N1 War!

There are SOME people who are afraid of the H1N1 vaccine. I happen to be someone who is afraid of the H1N1 VIRUS! I have done so much research on it and have decided to trust that it is okay and beneficial for my family. I have very bad asthma and I dont want to risk getting that horrible illness and my kids are precious and I do not want them getting sick either. So we got all geared up and ready for the shot when.....they ran all out at our health department before they even opened. There were over a thousand people waiting in line! Thinking I was screwed, I got a good tip to look up other counties where I live and what do ya know? Good ol Salt Lake is a big city and just a few miles from us and has many places to get vaccinated. So, we are headed down tomorrow to get our shots. Fingers crossed they dont run out when we get there! A fellow friend/blogger posted an article and her thoughts on this new thing that they are considering jails a priority for the shot.......WHAT? Okay so here we have pregnant women, young children/babies, asthmatics.....who are at high risk and are still waiting to receive the vaccine and they are calling jail mates a priority? A little twisted? I think so! Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow.

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