Saturday, October 24, 2009

Alas, We Have Been Vaccinated

Okay so after I typed my post yesterday about how we were not going to get the vaccination for h1n1, I called the place in Salt Lake again and all of the sudden they were passing the vaccine out so I literally threw us all in the car (me in pjs) and drove an hour to Salt Lake. After waiting in line an hour and being so close to the end where my beloved shot would be, there is an announcement, "we have 30 more doses of the injection left". I think, oh great, I drove all this way for nothing but at least Kingston can get the mist. Well, I made it through with one of the last injections. Thank heavens! So we got home and a few hours later, Kingston starts feeling really sick and I am thinking, oh great, it is my fault Kingston is going to be very sick from this vaccine. What was I thinking?! Well, I gave him a Motrin and slept in his bed with him last night and he woke up a happy boy. So all I can think is, if this very weak vaccine made him sick, what would the actual virus have done to him?! He has to get one more dose in a month and until then, he is not really immune from the virus yet. Fingers crossed we can avoid it until his last vaccine. So I am relieved but still very excited for the many upcoming distractions in my life. Pumpkin decorating, trick or treating, maybe a hayride, Thanksgiving, VEGAS, Polar Express, Christmas, hopefully Cancun.....I am excited


Ryan and Janelle said...


Audie said...

I got the h1n1 for jovie today but there's no seasonal flu vaccine. congrats on finally being able to get it all done!!!

Miles Family said...

Glad you got it. I think that it's important. We get it in 3 weeks. Hopefully we'll stay healthy until then. Makenna is getting so big and cute!

Ryan and Janelle said...

Hey girl. Thanks for your comment on my blog....actually, I meant to mention you by name, right next to my sister because you are AWESOME at posting on my blog and I really appreciate that! I try to always comment on yours too, again i miss here and there, but i do read it constantly, and I care about what you guys are up to. So again, thanks for the comment, and the friendship. You're an amazing person!