Thursday, April 22, 2010

At A Loss For Words!

Oh boy. Kids say the darndest things. It has happened before with Kingston. He once pointed out both Jesus and Santa at a Sizzler once night and another day, most embarrassing, he pointed to a heavier set woman of a different nationality and shouted, "cow moo!!". I thought that was the end of my mortifying "kids say the darndest things" with Kingston but yesterday proved otherwise. Earlier in the day Kingston had to come with me to my woman's doctor appointment because daddy was working. While there, he noticed a very pregnant lady and he was so proud to show me her baby in her tummy. That was cute. Little did I know, the cuteness a few hours later would turn into disaster. We headed to Walmart to pick up some groceries. Going down the refrigerater aisle, Kingston noticed a little girl walking with her siter, mom, and dad. He loves kids so he wanted to follow them. As I was reaching for a package of bacon, Kingston excitedly shouts to me, "mommy look, she has a baby in her tummy!" I immediately froze knowing that this little girl walking with her family was also a very obese little girl. Kingston kept happily shouting and pointing to this poor little girl's very round tummy. I slowly turned, gave the little girl an I am so sorry look, and hurried kingston into a corner where I explained to him that little girls cannot have babies in their tummies. Kingston looked very ashamed which also broke my heart because he felt so proud to have noticed a baby in someone's tummy. I was at a loss for words when it happened so I never said a word to the little girl or her family. I just hope she is okay. It was a very embarrassing moment. I later gave Kingston a hug, told him next time he thinks someone has a baby in their tummy he needs to ask me, and then I told him what a very good boy he is.