Monday, September 5, 2011

Kingston the Actor

So Kingston has always been my animated kid. Since he was a baby he loved pretty much anyone and was never afraid to talk to anyone. He was my kid who loved nursery and for his first day of sunbeams at church, he told me to go to my class once we got to his. He is fearless with most things except the dark. He is animated all day long. Chez said a few weeks ago, I bet one day he will be an actor. Well it wasn't more than a week later we got stopped in the mall by an entertainment company. So I immediately thought, oh great how much money do they want? So I said no we don't have time. The lady then said, no please your son is so cute and he seems full of energy let me just talk to you for a minute. So we stopped and I filled out a little application for Kingston. While I was filling it out Kingston was being his normal self talking to the ladies, telling them how old he is what his name is where he goes to school(you know the things I normally tell him NOT to tell to strangers). These ladies were loving it. So she said they may be calling him for a free audition with a movie director who directed the new surfer movie with the girl who got bit by a shark. So we walked away and I figured that was the last I would hear from them. Well today I got a call. They want Kingston to audition for this director in two weeks. We booked the audition. I am pretty excited only because this is right up Kingstons ally. He loves to show people what he's got. I can only imagine how proud I will be to see him strut his stuff at the audition and yes they do want moms and dads there. And whether it goes anywhere or not, the simple experience of seeing Kingston on the audition stage having fun will be so fun.

1 comment:

Ryan and Janelle said...

Oh my gosh! That is awesome! Wow! Crazy! Well good luck to him! He's handsome too, so he has a great shot! :) Keep us posted!