Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pumpkin Patch/Rice Cereal

Why dont I just divide these two topics into two posts? Well, I am jus lazy! Haha actually I am just busy but I wanted to hurry and post our recent activities. We went to the pumpkin patch on Monday. It was fun. We got to pick out our pumpkins from an actual farm. Now, this is something I did every year as a kid but Chez told me he never did so I wanted to introduce him to it. We usually get our pumpkins at Walmart but since Kingston is at a fun age, I decided to start the pumpkin patch tradition this year. Again, I forgot my camera but luckily my trusty phone camera came into good use.

Also, Makenna had her first taste of baby cereal today. I say taste because she didnt seem very interested in eating it. She more liked just licking it off her hand. She had her doctor appointment yesterday and she is in the 30th percentile for weight and the 80th percentil for height. So she is tall and skinny like Kingston.


Natalie said...

Love the pumpkin patch! I decided to wait till next year to take maddix, he is still a little too young.
Kingston and Makenna are so cute.

Ryan and Janelle said...

Pumpkin patches are a must in UT for Halloween :) Good job!