Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Babes

My kids are growing up so fast. Makenna is already 4 months old which is really hard to believe and Kingston is 2 and a half years old! They do things everyday that makes me the proudest and happiest mommy. Kingston has recently decided to potty train himself. It literally happened over night without any of my help. I praised him a ton and that is all. He just up and decided to go #1 and #2 in the big boy potty two Saturdays ago and since then, he has not worn diapers, and he holds it whenever we are out and about. I am so proud of him and happy that I do not have to chnage his stinky diapers anymore! Also, he never ever lets me cut his hair and it had been getting so gross. He had side burns and a tail in the back. So I took him to this place called Cookie Cutter and let him play on the toys there and watch this little boy get his hair cut. When it was Kingston's turn, he was very hesitant. Luckily, this place is amazing! Every chair is either a car or some other fun little toy to sit in and every chair has a flat screen tv in front of it. So, Kingston chose to sit in this blue car and he watched Nemo the whole time she did his hair without even crying or flinching. It was awesome! He looks so handsome with his hair cut short. Makenna is talking a lot these days and babbling and smiling and laughing. It is so cute to watch her laugh! She isnt quite rolling over yet but she is getting there. I can put her down on one spot on the floor, walk away, and find her in a whole different part of the room. She just scoots her body everywhere! Her 4 month check up is next week and I am curious to find out her measurements. She is such a skinny little thing but she is really tall like Kingston. I am hoping they let me start feeding her rice cereal because she loves watching everyone eat!

1 comment:

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Wow, i cant beleive that little girl is your baby, she looks SO big already. Isnt is kindof sad how fast time flies. What beautiful kids you have!!