Saturday, July 25, 2009


Kingston had surgery a few days ago to put tubes in his ears. He was having infection after infection and never a happy kid. Always waking up at night to sleep with mommy and daddy and crying a lot. Well, since the surgery, he has been in a little pain but he has been sleeping all night in his bed which is a big thing! The actual surgery was quite simple. The anesthesiologist wheeled him off in a fun little red wagon. At this point, Chez and I could only wait in the waiting area. The nurse said the doctor put the gas mask on Kingston's face and he was laughing hard trying to pop the bag under the mask and then, PLUNK, he went from laughing to completely out. They all got a good laugh out of it I guess. The surgery took a max of 5 minutes. He was a bit grumpy to say the last in the recovery room but he is doing so great now. It was a much needed procedure. Moving on to Makenna....She is a great sleeper at night but she has rough days. She cries and screams a lot and throws up a good amount. She had been gasping for air a lot and coughing so I took her to the doctor. He said she has reflux and gave us an antacid. That is working well with her. She is happier during the day and still sleeping through most of the night.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hopefully the tubes will help Kingston! And little Makenna is just precious!