Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kingston's Vocabulary

Kingston is learning so much and pretty much knows how to talk now. However, a lot of the words he says, only I understand. He is a little confused about how to say certain words. Here are a few words he says wrong but I think are funny:

Greem = green
kingkow = fingernail
kingkow burpers = fingernail clippers
onty onty = humpty dumpty
shisher = sister
choshik mulk = chocolate milk
sik it = fix it
din din = kingston
feethert = sweetheart
eseegoon = lagoon( the theme park)
pwane = plane

These are just a few of the words he says wrong. It's really kinda cute when you hear him say them.


Tawnya said...

That is super cute. I love what names kids make up for things. Currently I think Todd and I are the only ones that can understand any of Jaxson's words. Maybe Kingston can give him lessons!

Natalie said...

I like his name! So cute!

Crazy about the 4th, glad you guys weren't hurt!

Blake Jones said...

Broden's vocab is finally picking up too. The funniest is today we were going to drive my brother in law's truck and he says it with a "F" instead of a t and no r. Pretty funny because he has no clue what he is saying.

He also called an older man Santa the other day.I reminded me of Kingston.

We're excited to see you Friday!