Thursday, September 10, 2009

It Melts My Heart When.....

-My sweet little Kingston gives me a big hug and says, "I love you mommy"
-My baby girl Makenna looks up at me and smiles
-Kingston kisses Makenna, talks to her, plays with her, and cuddles with her
-Makenna watches Kingston so closely and laughs and smiles at him
-Kingston quietly climbs into bed with Chez and I and peacefully sleeps in between us
-Kingston has a grin from ear to ear because he is having so much fun
-Makenna tries her hardest to mimic my voice by making cute little noises
-Kingston sees daddy's car from a mile away and runs towards him so excited
-Chez holds Makenna, talks to her, and most especially kisses her sweet forehead
-Kingston brings me a stack of books and plops himself down next to me
-Makenna tries to talk to her little baby toys and baby dvds
-Kingston looks out the window at the kids playing and shouts, "friends! I coming!"
-Chez spends his entire weekend playing with Kingston and making him the happiest kid
-I simply watch my babies sleeping and adore them in their peaceful slumber. To think that they are mine and everything I do at home with them, is what will shape them as they grow up and learn in this life, is overwhelming but a job I know is most important. Everyone says the time flies so enjoy them young while you can. Well, that is exactly what I want to do. I want to always cherish every moment with my children and let them know through actions and words, how much they mean to me. Chez is probably the world's greatest dad in my eyes and theirs. I want them to grow up knowing they have loving parents who taught them the best they could. I love my little babies and I feel so blessed to be able to have this amazing family! I am posting this in hopes that ten years or so down the road, I can read it and remember the special memories I had of my babes when they were so little.

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