Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bye Bye "D"

Kingston has been addicted to his binkie since day 1 and he is now 2 years old. He calls his binkie "D" because a long time ago when I called it bink, he thought I said D. Anyway, while Chez and I were in Vegas the past weekend, my mom was babysitting Kingston for us. She told me this story about how Kingston decided to throw his "D" in the garbage because he didn't want it anymore. Knowing how addicted my son is to that thing, I can't see him doing such a thing. Whatever the case may be, he is now free from his "D" and no longer sucks on it. He has asked for it once or twice the past couple days but I just tell him it went bye bye. The strange thing is, I think I am more broken up about it being gone than him. I guess it is because this now means that he really is growing up and turning into a little boy instead of my little baby. Oh how the time flies by. He will be such a good big brother to his little sister though and I will be anle to cherish all the fun baby memories with her as I did with Kingston when he was my little baby.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That is amazing that he just gave it up! I have heard so many horror stories about giving up the bink! What a big boy! :)