Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I never truly understood that until today. As we were strolling through Walmart, a rather large black woman with very little hair on her head in a motorized cart, drove by us in the soda pop aisle. Kingston quickly pointed at her and said, "cow!" then went, "moo moo moo". The first words that came out of my mouth were, "no no Kingston", in a very disappointed sounding tone. Of course, he didnt know any better. He is two and barely learning how to say a lot of things and gets excited when he sees things he knows how to say. I on the other hand felt so bad and I wanted to cry for that lady. She sped off in her cart so I couldn't apologize but it was a very mortifying moment needless to say. On a much lighter and funny note, we went to Sizzler the other night and Kingston saw two men. One of the men had a red shirt and long white beard to which Kingston pointed and said,"Santa". He did kinda look like Santa. The other man was at the salad bar next to our table and he had long brown hair. Kingston pointed at him and shouted, "Jesus!". Haha, those were actually funny to us. Kids do say the darndest things.


Natalie said...

That is too funny! I'm sure you were so embarrased! Oh well! :)

Ryan and Janelle said...

Oh my gosh I am dying right now! That is sooo hilarious! I would be sooo embarrassed! Haha, but, what can you do!? Thanks for the laugh!