Friday, April 17, 2009

Potty Training!

Holy cow I am jumping up and down inside with excitement. For Easter, grandma got Kingston some big boy underwear and Chez and I got him a potty book to go with it. Inside the potty book shows a kid using the exact same potty that Kingston has so he was pretty turned on to that. We decided to start training Kingston how to go poop and pee in his big boy potty. I had been kinda slacking at it and all I was doing was reading him the potty book and reminding him to go poop in the big boy potty. He had been telling me every time he had to go and would sit on his potty but never go. Well, this morning after Chez headed off to work, I dozed off on the couch and was awaken by Kingston saying, "Mommy Kingston poop", while he was pulling me to the bathroom. To my GREAT surprise, I found he had pooped in his potty all by himself! I am stoked. I never would have thought one of the biggest highlights of my life would be that my son pooped in the potty! I would post a picture of it but I figured that would be kinda gross ;)


Ryan and Janelle said...

congratulations! that is big news!

Blake Jones said...

That's awesome! We are still working with Broden. He does great with #1, but #2 is harder for him. He just goes in his underwear. Hopefully when we get home from Washington DC we can really do it. It is too hard while we are traveling. Good luck. Are you hoping to have him potty trained before the baby is born?

Blake Jones said...

Broden loves going potty standing up and aiming for a piece of cereal. He gets excited about the bubbles too, especially when him and daddy make lots of bubbles. Easily entertained, right?